Slovenian network of volunteer organizations
Welcome to the Slovene volunteering database where you can find information on volunteering in Slovenia. The website is intended for those who want to engage in volunteering and do not speak Slovene as well as for organizations in Slovenia that wish to include migrants / foreigners into their volunteering activities.
This site guides you through volunteering in Slovenia, volunteering opportunities, and helps you find volunteer work that is suitable for you, according to your wishes and interests. To find the volunteer work you can register as a volunteer and we will inform you when the volunteer opportunity you registered for is available, or you can contact the chosen organization directly.
The site also offers a wide range of organizations where you can volunteer.
What is volunteering?
Voluntary work is a work that an individual does on average 2 to 4 hours per month, without benefits or payment for himself/herself, for the benefit of others or for the common good. Voluntary work can be informal, which includes all unorganized forms of assistance, and organized, within the framework of voluntary organizations and organizations with a volunteering programme.
Why volunteer?
Helping others: Everyone can dedicate some of their free time to help those in need. You surely poses knowledge, experience and skills that can contribute to improve the life of others and the community.
- Opening new horizons: Volunteering can be a great experience for sharing cultures and traditions, learning the language, developing new skills and meeting people from the local community and enhancing your role within the community.
- Volunteering allows you to acquire new skills: You will get a chance to learn new skills and to understand what you are good at, who you are, what you want and what you are capable of. Whether it’s a new language, a new work environment or a new skill, you’re sure to learn a lot. The skills you will acquire will enrich you and will be useful in your life, work and relationships with others.
- and many other reasons.
Before you start as volunteer
- Identify your purpose.
- Research and chose the field and type of volunteer opportunities you are interested in.
- Think about how much time you want to dedicate to volunteering.
You can find more about how to prepare as volunteer or how to find your volunteering opportunity here.
Ne zamudi pomembnih obvestil in dogodkov. Želite prejemati Prostovoljske e-novice? Vpišite vaš e-mail:Spletna stran je projekt Slovenske filantropije, nosilke Slovenske mreže prostovoljskih organizacij. Na enem mestu posameznikom, prostovoljskim organizacijam in širši javnosti predstavljamo vse pomembne novice na področju prostovoljstva. Z razvitim informacijskim sistemom povezujemo zainteresirane prostovoljce in prostovoljske organizacije. Vsebine novic, dogodkov in prostovoljskih del prispevajo članice Slovenske mreže prostovoljskih organizacij.